Shabbos at Masbia Boro Park – Sponsor a Shabbos Meal

Masbia serves Shabbos meals in Boro Park on Friday night and Saturday lunch. These meals are intended to offer a spiritual Shabbos experience which includes traditional Shabbos foods and traditional Shabbos songs. Unlike the daily meals, the time fluctuates based on the season and guests are required to RSVP. (Reservations can be made at 718-972-4446 x203).

The Shabbos accommodations demand a lot of resources in food, staff and logistics, and we need financial support. You can sponsor one guest for one Shabbos meal, Friday night or Saturday lunch, for $54, or both Friday night and Saturday lunch for $108. You can sponsor the entire shabbos for a couple for $216, a family of five for $540, or all the guests for one seudah for $2,700. You can choose to sponsor the whole Shabbos for $5,400. Each meal includes: pro-rated rent, utilities, all our weekend staff, mashgiach tamidi, food, wine, dishes, supplies and cleanup.

For every donation of $250 or more, we will post your dedication in our dining room over Shabbos. If you wish to sponsor a Shabbos meal on a particular date such as a yartzeit or family celebration, please email Charity is always an important ingredient for a special occasion. 

Shabbat Meal Corporate Donors: